Summary & Resources

Key Takeaways

  • Patients are beginning to expect – and appreciate – outreach related to opioids, just like they expect someone to explain their treatment plan.
  • Don’t just focus on education about opioids, but also pain and pain management.
  • Look at leveraging existing education and outreach tools from your core EHR vendor – even those originally designed for a different chronic condition.
  • Create the right foundation (like a registry) to enable targeted opioid education and outreach to a defined population of patients.
  • Don’t be afraid to repeat the same information. Multiple types of education across multiple mediums can help reinforce key messages and points.
  • In addition to patient-specific education, include a message on all discharge summaries about opioid risks and proper disposal, as it might apply to the patient or family.
  • Learn from others’ experience. This includes:
    • Proactive communication with your EHR vendor to see how other clients are leveraging built-in capabilities to address opioid education and patient outreach.
    • Seek out presentations, webinars, etc., from other provider organizations – especially those that are using the same core EHR vendor(s) that you are.
    • Be active in vendor user group conferences, websites, etc.


Listed here are examples of credible sources of reliable patient educational content:


CHIME Opioid Action Center

710 Avis Drive, Suite 200
Ann Arbor, MI 48108


Phone: 1.734.665.0000


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