Association of Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances With Opioid Prescribing Rates

Question  Have states with greater increases in electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS), which is intended to reduce opioid prescribing rates by reducing fraud and facilitating decision support, experienced greater reductions in opioid prescribing?

Findings  In this longitudinal analysis of Surescripts reports on the use of EPCS and Center of Disease Prevention and Control opioid prescribing rate maps, increasing the use of EPCS by 10 percentage points was associated with 2 more opioid prescriptions per 100 persons and 0.8% more morphine milligram equivalents.

Meaning  The EPCS has not been associated with reductions in opioid prescribing rates, and achieving benefit may require greater integration and effective presentation of data.

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CHIME Opioid Action Center

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